Zydus Cadila and Sunshine Healthcare donated 100,000 Hydroxychloroquine tablets to assist the fight against COVID-19

Shantha Bandara, Chief Operating Officer and Poravi Balasundaram, General Manager – Marketing of Sunshine Pharmaceuticals handing over the HCQ tablets to Pavithra Wanniarachchi, Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine and Kanchana Jayarathna, Private Secretary to the Minister of Health
Further supporting the national efforts to combat COVID-19, Sunshine Healthcare Lanka Ltd—a fully-owned subsidiary of the diversified conglomerate Sunshine Holdings PLC, has donated 100,000 hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) sulfate tablets (200mg), manufactured by Zydus Cadila—one of the leading pharmaceutical companies present in Sri Lanka— to the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka. The tablets, which are worth Rs. 3.6 million, will significantly help in treating COVID-19 positive patients as per the treatment guidelines recommended by the Epidemiology Unit of Ministry of Health.
At Zydus, we are fully committed to support the government and our communities in the global fight against COVID-19. We are also working closely to assist hospitals around the country by bringing down as many tablets as possible, to treat as many infected patients as possible during this critical time.